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The Bedwell Podiatry Clinic

A Step In The Right Direction

Chiropody & Podiatry Specialist

Karen Bedwell BSc - Hons


PgDip - Diabetes


Registered HCPC. Chiropodist/Podiatrist (CH16449)

Insured by BCPA

Jamie Bedwell  - MCPod BSC


Registered HCPC Podiatrist (CH35398)


Insured by the College of Podiatry


Opening Hours

Clinic hours are


Tuesday 9am - 5pm

Wednesday 9am - 12pm

Thursday 9am - 5pm



Monday 9:30am - 7pm

Friday 9:30am-4pm


Modern clinic facilities
Off road parking
Full disabled Access


Karen and Jamie can be contacted directly without GP referral.


Service costs:

New patient appointments - £45

Routine appointments - £40 

Home visits - £45

Biomechanical assessments - £60

Missed appointments (or canceled within 24hrs) - £30

Custom foot orthoses - £175 

Firefly foot orthoses - £350

Partial and full ingrowing nail removal - £250

Bi-lateral partial and full ingrowing nail removal - £375



In 2012 the State of the Nation audit reported that there are currently 2.9 million people in the United Kingdom diagnosed with diabetes and it is expected that this number will rise to 5 million by 2025. In 2011 the NHS spent approximately £1 million per hour on treating diabetes and it's associated conditions and 80% of this goes into managing potentially preventative complications. 
One of the associated problems of diabetes is acute foot conditions which can lead to infection and amputation. In the UK one in twenty people with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer and one in ten of these will develop into an amputation of part of the foot or lower limb. 

Changes to our diet, exercise, lifestyle and reduction in weight gain and waist circumference can reduce the risks of developing type 2 diabetes and can even reverse the early stages of glucose intolerance. Good foot care and regular foot checks with qualified Chiropodists/ Podiatrists registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) can reduce the risks of developing acute foot conditions.

"Your feet never take a day off, so take good care of them"

"I have known Karen Bedwell for many years, both personally and professionally.

As a chiropodist/podiatrist she is professional and extremely knowledgeable and makes a point of keeping up to date in her field. Her expertise, particularly in terms of diabetes, makes her an

excellent source of information.


Together with her cheerful manner this all makes for a very safe pair of hands and I have no hesitation in recommending my clients to her for any foot related health issues.

She has looked after my feet including correcting a slight in turn which was causing an issue for me.

All done easily and quickly. With her clinic in Ridgewood, Uckfield it is easy to find and parking is no


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